Computer love

I have been neglecting this blog for a while, since the "erasing-by-mistake-the-blog-on-my-server" incident. So I feel now i have to give my few readers some love. I've been able to put back most of the mp3s and images in place, but I am still missing a few, so those ones will have to stay in our memories. But I learnt my lesson and everything is backed up from now on.
For the love part, I am throwing here a massive 20mb - 14min epic disco track. The obscure outfit name is Computer, I dare you to google them. The project is emerging from France (of course) and the tracks are credited to J.F. Porry and G. Sals who are known for scoring a lot Saturday morning cartoon in France (french versions for My Little Poney, Carebears, Smurfs, Goldorak, etc.). Which makes me think that it's Saturday morning now, and I should not be sitting in front of my computer. Here's the neverending track.
Computer - Nobody Loves A Computer Because A Computer Does Not Dance
yé. le retour de l'éducation musicale avec Monsieur Alex. Effectivement, le samedi matin il faut écouter les comics et manger des crêpes...
J'ai vu un ordinateur qui danse dans un vidéo éducatif des années 80 et j'en suis encore troublée
Quel titre !!!
À lui tout seul, il réussit déjà à faire remuer les zygomatiques ! ;-)
Mon Mac en sautille de joie et danse la Java (script ?) ... :-p (et moi aussi)
ah i just found this blog, such awesome songs, thanks!
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Une petite info sileuplait, sur le myspace de flaky disco, d'ou provient le son "let's make love..."?
Merci d'avance :)
putain c'est le meme gars qui a composé "hélène je m'appelle hélène" hahahahahaha j'en peux plus! c'est trop!
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